1. AERODYNAMIC NEWTON'S PROBLEM (ANP)The problem consists of searching the generating
line |
Fig. 1. Dependence of the drag coefficient upon
the parameter p (i.e., the class of functions
Fig. 2. Optimal solution for ANP |
Fig. 3. Two solutions of the Euler equation for PMRS
Fig. 4. Minimum existence depending on location of the right-end point: |
3. BRACHISTOCHRONE PROBLEM (BP)In this problem, it is necessary to find the line of fastest descent between two points in the vertical plane (Bernoulli, 1937; Tikhomirov, 1990). This line is an arc of the cycloid. The problem of finding the concrete cycloid for given boundary conditions is usually out of the frame of study. For arbitrary feasible boundary conditions, the program has been elaborated which finds and visually represents the optimal solution both in the form of the cycloid and in the class of two-link piecewise lines. The motion of a point along both the trajectories is animated. An Java-version of this program for Internet is also elaborated (see at http://home.ural.ru/~iagsoft/BrachJ.html). For the case of motion in the central gravity field (BPCGF),
the brachistochrone is calculated by the Euler method. For this case,
the optimal solution (Fig. 6) and
isochrones (Fig. 7) obtained on the
multiprocessor system (Ivanov, 1995) are demonstrated. Here the "isochrone"
means a line consisting of points with the same optimal time. In Fig. 6
the center of gravitation is at |
Fig. 5. Optimal solutions of BP for two class of lines
Fig. 6. Field of optimal trajectories for BPCGF
Fig. 7. Isochrones for BPCGF. The center of gravitation is at
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis work was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Researches under Grant No. 97-01-00458. |
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